Frequently Asked Questions
This list of questions and answers will be updated after the NOFA Question & Answer Session for applicants on February 13, 2020 with questions asked during the Q&A session and from time to time as the need arises. Please check back to this page prior to final submission of application.
Are there character limits for the Project Narrative, Financial Notes and Assumptions, and Applicant Experience narrative sections?
There is no character limit for these sections.
Is there a page limit for the Social Services Plan?
There is no page limit for the Social Services Plan.
The online application references both 3.03 of the NOFA and "Addendum B". Can you clarify what "Addendum B" is? Is this the same as "Attachment B"? ("Addendum B" is NOT referenced in the NOFA itself.)
Thank you. The language on the application form has been changed to reflect the NOFA document. "Addendum B" has changed to "Attachment B" on the form.
Online application references a template for the Schedule of Real Estate Owned available on the OCHFT website, but we cannot find it listed as a document on the NOFA page.
Thank you. The Schedule of Real Estate Owned has been added to the website.
Points for Applicant Experience: Please confirm that the following (all are apartments with kitchens and bathrooms with complex government financing and lengthy regulatory periods) will count toward the 400 unit experience threshold: tax credit financed permanent supportive housing projects; tax credit financed transitional housing projects; and HUD Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly projects.
Yes – those appear all to meet the spirit of experience with supportive housing
Can Trust NOFA funds be used for affordable only units without any MHSA/Supportive Housing units?
Despite the title of the NOFA and perhaps other notations within, the Trust funding in this NOFA can be used for either/both affordable and supportive housing. Regardless, household income must be at 30% AMI or below. The Trust has placed a priority on expending the MHSA portion of funding.
What are the maximum funding amounts per unit?
Please refer to page 4 of the Trust NOFA document for all non-MHSA units
Please refer to updated MHSA Term Sheet posted on the website which specifies the maximum 2020 loan limit for the MHSA funds is $163,780 per regulated unit.
There are two NOFA’s available currently. Can an applicant obtain both Trust NOFA funds AND County NOFA funds for MHSA units?
Yes & No. You cannot exceed the maximum cap per unit from either NOFA. However, an applicant can obtain MHSA funding for supportive housing units from both NOFA’s if the total number of MHSA units does not exceed 49% of the overall project units.
What kind of neighborhood amenities are taken into consideration for a higher score and a more competitive project?
Refer to NOFA (Section 4.04) for details Service Enriched Locations. The Trust Board will provide the final project approval and will use NOFA scoring as one component of their overall review.
Should each property have its own application submitted? What about scattered sites?
Each project requires its own application.
The definition of scattered site follows TCAC regulations. Here is the link to define scattered site: https://www.treasurer.ca.gov/ctcac/programreg/adopted-regulations-20191028.pdf
Will funding only be available to Trust Member Cities?
Non-MHSA funding will only be rewarded to the Trust members cities. However, the MHSA funding portion of the NOFA can go to a project anywhere in the County.
How would it affect the score of a project if the project included its own amenities and health services on site such as a dentist services, optometry offices, etc.?
The amenity scoring refers to the proximity of the development to urgent care clinics and hospitals. However, the Trust Board may find it interesting that additional onsite services are available including those mentioned in the question and other services such as a computer lab, job training, addiction recovery, or related transportation to such services, etc.
How many housing units have been funded so far, and what is the end goal?
The Trust is new, and this is the first NOFA. So therefore, no projects have been funded to date. In the 2018 County Housing Funding Strategy, there is a goal established of 2,700 Permanent Supportive Housing Units and 2,700 Affordable Housing Units by 2025. There numbers were established using the 2017 Point in Time Count. On the Trust website, there is a map of all the affordable/supportive developments since 2018. The map includes project details such as unit count, completion dates, developer, status of the project, etc.
How long will it take to review the applications and receive the awards if chosen?
The NOFA application is due on March 25th
Internal Staff Review will occur in early April
Project funding approval by the Board on May 20th
Letter of Intent will be sent out to chosen project developers before the end of May.
State funding awards to the Trust and wired to the Trust is anticipated on or before November 2020.
Is the readiness scoring based upon date of occupancy or loan closing?
The NOFA language is correct, we want to reward those projects that can get occupied as quickly as possible. While we could have used the estimated date to receive Certificate of Occupancy that seemed even less predictable than using the scheduled (construction) loan closing. So we are awarding points based upon date of scheduled (construction) loan closing.
Section 5.09: Social Services Plan includes “All applicants must identify a qualified service provider that will provide supportive services to the residents occupying units assisted under this NOFA.” (emphasis added). What metrics are being used to determine a qualified service provider?
There is no specific checklist or outline of specific criteria for a qualified service provider. The NOFA application response should include any relevant information to illustrate their abilities to be a qualified service provider including a resume and a narrative of service provider experience. For MHSA funded units, services for these units are provided by the Health Care Agency.
Last updated March 18, 2020.