2021 NOFA
Frequently Asked Questions
Do applications receive full readiness points if they are scheduled to close before the dates specified in the NOFA?
Yes, projects that are scheduled to close before the dates specified in the NOFA, June 1, 2022 for acquisition/rehab and December 1, 2022 for new construction, will receive full readiness points.
Do applications need a services plan for the non-MHSA units in a project that has both MHSA and non-MHSA units?
Yes, applications must submit a services plan for non-MHSA units, whether the project includes MHSA units or not.
Is there a case management staffing ratio that OCHCA is providing for MHSA units?
There are several factors that affect the ratio. Please contact Lisa Row at OC Health Care Agency. Her number is 714-850-8422. Her email is ERow@ochca.com . If you are proposing MHSA units in your project, Lisa is also the point of contact to meet with prior to the deadline of March 1, 2021 so she can provide an Acknowledgement Letter.
Does Prevailing Wage Law apply to my project?
Prevailing wage applies to OCHFT projects unless an exemption applies. Please consult your legal counsel on any and all questions regarding prevailing wage.
Is there a minimum number of units for non-MHSA projects ($2,000,000 pool)?
Yes, the NOFA states that there is a minimum project size of five units.
Are the required capitalized operating reserved and monitoring fee required for all units in the project, or only the units being subsidized through this NOFA?
The capitalized operating reserve and monitoring fee are only required on the units being funded through this NOFA and not on the project as a whole.
For the acquisition/rehab (non-MHSA) funds, can they be used on a building that is currently owned by the applicant with all vacant units? (there is no acquisition involved)
Yes, non-MHSA funds may be used for rehabilitation of a property currently owned by the applicant, provided that the property does not have any existing affordability covenants. However, other funding sources may be more restrictive in their allowed use of funds and applicants are encouraged to check with the other funding sources whether this is an allowable use for their funds.
Last updated March 11, 2021.